Training and Education

Family Caregiver Curriculum
The TBI Family Caregiver Curriculum (FCC) offers consistent health information to caregivers and provides tools for coping with the challenges of caregiving.
Module 1: Introduction to TBI
Provides general information about the structure and function of the brain and how a TBI can affect the way the brain functions.
Module 2: Understanding Effects of TBI and What You Can Do To Help
Describes the possible physical, cognitive, communicative, behavioral, and emotional effects that may result from a TBI.
Module 3: Becoming a Family Caregiver for a Servicemember/Veteran with TBI
Provides support and information for family caregivers of Veterans and Servicemembers with TBI.
Module 4: Navigating Services and Benefits
Provides information on many of the services and benefits available to Veterans, Servicemembers, and family members.
The FCC is available for full download as Traumatic Brain Injury: A Guide for Caregivers of Service Members and Veterans
Family Care Map
The Polytrauma Family Care Map (FCM) is a web-based, interactive tool to guide families through the steps of the TBI/polytrauma rehabilitation process. The FCM informs you about what to expect and how to help during each phase of your family member’s rehabilitation.
Learn more about the Family Care Map Download Family Care MapFamily Education Manual
Download Manual
- Caregiver Fact Sheet (PDF 600 KB) | en Español (PDF 280 KB)
- Older Veterans Fact Sheet (PDF 800 KB) | en Español (PDF 350 KB)