Polytrauma/TBI System of Care
Welcome to the Tampa Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
The Tampa Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center is one of 5 facilities in the country designed to provide intensive rehabilitative care to Veterans and Servicemembers who experienced severe injuries (including brain injuries) to more than one organ system. For more information about Polytrauma, visit the national Polytrauma System of Care page.
Polytrauma is defined as two or more injuries sustained in the same incident that affect multiple body parts or organ systems and result in physical, cognitive, psychological, or psychosocial impairments and functional disabilities. TBI frequently occurs as part of the polytrauma spectrum in combination with other disabling conditions, such as amputations, burns, pain, fractures, auditory and visual impairments, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health conditions. When present, injury to the brain is often the impairment that dictates the course of rehabilitation due to the nature of the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficits related to TBI.
Learn more about the Tampa Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation CenterLearn more about the Tampa Assistive Technology Program
Mental Health/Veterans Crisis Line
Many Veterans with Polytrauma injuries also need mental health support. If you or someone you know is having trouble readjusting to civilian life, is having trouble sleeping, or is experiencing mood swings, depression, or other signs of extreme stress, we can offer free or low-cost assistance and care.
Veterans Crisis Line.
For immediate help, call the National Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Your call is confidential and can also be anonymous. Or, you may have a confidential online conversation with a professional on the National Veterans Crisis Line Web Chat site
Readjustment Counseling System (Vet Centers)
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

James A. Haley (Tampa) Veterans' Hospital
13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 972-2000
Toll Free: (888) 716-7787
James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital is a proud member of VA Sunshine Healthcare Network - Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 8.
Tampa VA Polytrauma Director:
Steven G. Scott D.O., Chief, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service
(813) 972-7506
If you are interested in more information about the Tampa Polytrauma Center, contact the Administrative Program Management Office at 813-979-3671.
Polytrauma Admissions Case Manager:
Debbie Shepherd, RN, BS, CCM
(813) 972-2000 Ext. 6149
Toll-Free Numbers:
Active Duty Servicemembers seeking admission to Tampa for Polytrauma or TBI should call: (866) 643-3889.
Veterans or family members seeking information about traumatic brain injury should call: (877) 824-8387.
To Enroll for VA Care at the Tampa VA, call: (813) 972-2000 Ext. 1710
Admission Information
For information about the Tampa VA Polytrauma System of Care, contact:
The Administrative Program Management Office at 813-979-3671
Veterans and returning Servicemembers from Operation Enduring Freedom and/or Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) should contact their local OEF/OIF Coordinator for information about benefits and health care enrollment. Locate points of contact for Veterans and returning Servicemembers throughout the Florida region.
- Bay Pines VA Healthcare System
- Miami VA Healthcare System
- North Florida/South Georgia VA Healthcare System
- Orlando VA Medical Center
- James A. Haley Veterans Hospital (Tampa)
- VA Medical Center West Palm Beach
Information for Family Members
Our patients and their families are a vital part of the rehabilitation treatment team. They are involved with goal setting and meeting with team members to develop a plan of care and set goals for guiding our patients in reaching their maximum level of independence.
Review the Family Care Map for the Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center (PRC) for more information on steps.