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Polytrauma/TBI System of Care
VA’s Polytrauma System of Care (PSC) is an integrated network of specialized rehabilitation programs dedicated to serving Veterans and Service Members with both combat and civilian related Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and polytrauma. Services available through PCS include: interdisciplinary evaluation and treatment, development of a comprehensive plan of care, case management, patient and family education and training, psychosocial support, and application of advanced rehabilitation treatments and prosthetic technologies. (Learn more about the Polytrauma TBI System of Care ...)
Understanding TBI

What is Polytrauma?
When TBI is associated with a significant secondary injury (amputation, burn, fractures) or with mental health conditions (post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, substance use), the resulting “polytrauma” can have devastating effects that compound those seen in TBI alone.
In the recent military conflicts, polytrauma is primarily caused by proximity to an explosive event. Advances in military medicine and protective gear have help save lives. Rehabilitation works to optimize recovery and facilitate return to independent living and higher quality of life. (Learn More About Polytrauma...)
Collaborations with Strategic Partners
VA maintains ongoing collaboration with the Defense TBI Center of Excellence (TBICoE) and National Institutes of Health to advance TBI research, education, policy and Clinical management.The collaboration with the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) TBIMS Program led to the creation of the VA TBIMS Research Program in 2010. This program enables VA to perform multi-center research protocols in collaboration with 16 academic TBIMS centers.